Musings and General Mahem. That and a nickel will get you coffee.

Musings and General Mahem. That and a nickel will get you coffee.

Author: MsNickel

Cocktails for Helen and Me

Cocktails for Helen and Me

“Things that fit on toothpicks” is the way some one recently described the food at cocktail and card parties of that era. Friday Night Cocktail Dinners in the neighborhood were always buffets, or toothpick based hors d’oeuvres. Sunday’s get-to-gether was with all the kids, and were mainly BBQs, potlucks and cocktails.  See the picture of my dad below with the hat—that was an Island night celebration. Yep…they had themes!

Bread, Boules & Brothers

Bread, Boules & Brothers

See that face? He’s maybe 6 or 7, and not happy that he has to sit with the “baby”. That being me, two years younger, and happy as a clam to be with my “big” brother. I am happy to say that over the years, […]

Bay Leaf Liqueur: travel accidents & good things

Bay Leaf Liqueur: travel accidents & good things

Bay Leaf Liqueur I sat alone in the almost empty restaurant in Orvieto. Trattoria Del Orso– Kristina had recommended it so highly, and wrote about it here, (scroll down to read about Orvieto.) The tourist office didn’t have it listed, and when asked about it said they […]

Soup: Putting it all together for SouperBowl

Soup: Putting it all together for SouperBowl

My daughter, a “former chef”, started her cooking career making pastry for an Italian restaurant in Santa Cruz. She quickly moved up the ladder, and then moved to Spain. After spending some time there she came back to LA and started working a new restaurant […]

Soup, spoons & nothing more

Soup, spoons & nothing more

As the days grow short, some faces grow long.  But not mine.  Every  autumn, when the wind     turns cold and darkness comes early, I am suddenly happy. It’s time to start making soup again. ~Leslie Newman I am sure that there are things better than a […]

Family Dinner, food and being full

Family Dinner, food and being full

The Table I have distinct memories of being very little and be told it was time for dinner. The table was skinny and long–green Formica just off the kitchen, my two older brothers and I would sit there to eat.  We were little, and I […]