Musings and General Mahem. That and a nickel will get you coffee.

Musings and General Mahem. That and a nickel will get you coffee.

Tag: travel

Bay Leaf Liqueur: travel accidents & good things

Bay Leaf Liqueur: travel accidents & good things

Bay Leaf Liqueur I sat alone in the almost empty restaurant in Orvieto. Trattoria Del Orso– Kristina had recommended it so highly, and wrote about it here, (scroll down to read about Orvieto.) The tourist office didn’t have it listed, and when asked about it said they […]

Post ID: 111

It’s not that I cannot learn things, or that I am opposed to new things, it’s that I am impatient with my curve…it looks simple, should be simple, right? NOT.I am impressed by my daughter’s ability to absorb and do. And jealous. And in awe. […]